Investment Options for the Dividend Lifestyle

There are many investments you can use to drive the Dividend Lifestyle.  Dividend Lifestyle equals Freedom, pure and simple.  Freedom from the trap of trading time for money because you have enough smart investments which produce enough passive income to sustain your lifestyle.  I love big dividend paying stocks and in the book we talk about that.  Stocks are my game, I understand them and I love the business of equity investment, however you could easily rotate out stocks and input any number of other quality investments into the equation, including but not limited to, real estate, commodities, cash flow producing businesses to name a few.  Really anything that is a high quality investment, somewhat liquid, that isn’t going anywhere and can provide you a predictable, repeatable income can in essence be used to build and execute the Dividend Lifestyle. 


How To Live The Dividend Lifestyle


Worthwhile Magazine Winter 2023