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Worthwhile Magazine Winter 2023/2024
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Worthwhile Magazine Winter 2023/2024

What will you find within these pages? Intentional living. Deliberate choices infused with purpose for a better outcome. It’s not complex, but sometimes the execution of the details can be testing. That could include what you eat, how you manage your finances, or the people you choose (or don’t choose) to have in your life. Many of our topics in this issue require the practice of intentional living. Our Cover story tackles transitioning from a work identity to a retirement identity. First, and possibly the hardest, is accepting that change so you can lead a purpose-driven retirement. This feature article sheds light and humor on how to do just that.

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Worthwhile Magazine Fall 2023
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Worthwhile Magazine Fall 2023

If you were to weave a thread through the Fall issue, you’d discover the smaller unseen contributions that support the more significant deeds that stand out in the open. Their connections lead to a greater good. The Cover article focuses on assistive technology that’s letting older adults reclaim their independence. Education plays a significant role in driving such advancements, and Family shows how a 529 plan can secure your family’s educational needs for generations to come.

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Rob Legenhausen - Financial Advisor in Orlando, Florida
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Rob Legenhausen - Financial Advisor in Orlando, Florida

Rob Legenhausen is an Orlando, Florida-based financial advisor. With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry, Rob has built a reputation as a knowledgeable and trusted advisor to his clients. In this blog post, we will explore Rob's credentials, abilities, and how he may assist you in achieving your financial objectives.

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Investment Options for the Dividend Lifestyle
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Investment Options for the Dividend Lifestyle

There are many investments you can use to drive the Dividend Lifestyle. Dividend Lifestyle equals Freedom, pure and simple.  Freedom from the trap of trading time for money because you have enough smart investments which produce enough passive income to sustain your lifestyle. 

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Worthwhile Magazine Winter 2023
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Worthwhile Magazine Winter 2023

Happy New Year! 2023 still feels weird to say, like the Jetsons or something, but we’re here now like it or not so let’s approach the new year with a mindset of health, happiness, grace, and make it your best year ever! Fun fact-Did you know the old cartoon series “The Jetsons" predicted autonomous vehicles, FaceTime, and Zoom? Pretty cool, huh? I hear "The Simpson's" also made some eerily correct predictions about the future that came to fruition.

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Lessons in Wealth and Happiness from my Grandpa
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Lessons in Wealth and Happiness from my Grandpa

My Grandpa was not a wealthy man, in fact he was a blue collar maintenance  man working in an oil factory where crude was refined into gasoline.  He was just a hard honest worker and a good saver.  My Dad was the same.  Me, I grew up middle class, and did not know at the time that we did not have many of the luxuries that my son today thinks is normal.

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My Hope for You
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My Hope for You

My hope for you, the reader, is that you now feel like an insider in the industry of investments, Wall Street, and retirement. I want you to feel empowered that you now understand how it works. You understand what is available to you, and with the right guidance of a professional advisor and Fiduciary who has experience with the Dividend Lifestyle, you can have access to these investment strategies.

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How Our Advice May Help You
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How Our Advice May Help You

The biggest thing we provide to our clients and their families is confidence and clarity. I’m extraordinarily honest and transparent when speaking with clients or potential clients about the investment business. Being brutally honest seems to resonate with people in a world of bait-and-switch marketing. 

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Here’s How We Can Help You
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Here’s How We Can Help You

I have a lot of folks who approach me and ask what the process is and how it works. They may be interested in reducing their investment expenses, pursuing stronger risk-adjusted returns, or reducing tax drag. Maybe they saw me speaking live at an event, saw a video on YouTube that I produced, or were referred by an existing “evangelical” client (I love those).

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The Mutual Fund Retirement Myth
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The Mutual Fund Retirement Myth

Mutual funds can be a good way to save for retirement. Mutual funds are good to start with if you don’t have a lot of money, or maybe you’re a young person saving in a 401(k) plan at work. Yes, mutual funds are fine in those cases, especially in a 401(k) or IRA, because those are tax-deferred vehicles. You’re not going to get whacked with all the distribution of capital gains, taxes, etc.

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Life Insurance Does Not Qualify!
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Life Insurance Does Not Qualify!

The biggest mistakes include losing sight of the long-term plan and getting distracted by things you might read or the content you consume. In our ever-expanding mobile world, the videos that pop up on your favorite social media sites are distracting to your long-term investment goals. My wife Jenn enjoys TikTok very much. I can’t get into it, but I digress.

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Spending Every Last Dime!
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Spending Every Last Dime!

I hear some retirees who say, “I’m saving everything for my kids and grandkids; I want to leave everything to my heirs, so they never have to worry about money the way I did growing up,” Then we have some retirees who say, “Heck no, I made it, I’m going to spend it. I want to enjoy myself to the max, and my goal is to die as I spend my last dollar!” Frankly, there is no right or wrong answer. Personally, I do believe in the idea of making the next generation work hard and not feel entitled.

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